Upkeep is essential to maintaining your life-changing results! Skin cells are constantly replacing themselves, along with unwanted dark spots & wrinkles. That’s why short-term use of FaceRx isn't enough—it's important to continue use. Just like how regular exercise is essential to maintain a healthy body, regular use of FaceRx is essential to maintain desired results. Keep your skin glowing like 500,000+ Musely patients with Musely Upkeep.
Musely Upkeep has three different levels designed to help you continue to take care of your skin after treatment: Control, Enhance, and Expand. Each level outlines how to get the most out of our your FaceRx treatments to maintain healthy and happy skin! You can learn more here: Musely Upkeep.
If results have not yet been achieved, please review the following steps:
- Discuss with your designated doctor. They will be able to provide you with medical advice and guidance to ensure you reach your desired results: How do I message my designated doctor?
- Consider adding another treatment to boost results. For example, if you are using The Spot Cream, consider adding The Anti-Aging Cream, The Spot Pill, or The Spot Peel. If you are using the Red Set, consider adding The Rosacea Pill. If you are using The Hair Solution, consider adding The Hair Pill or vice versa. Learn more here: Treatments That Pair Well Together
- Request a Prescription Change. As long as your skin is tolerating your current formula, you can consider submitting a Prescription Change Request for a different/stronger formula of your treatment.
- Be patient and do not get discouraged! Those with long-term, stubborn conditions may need a few refills of the medication to achieve results.
- Cleanse and Protect: Ensure that you are taking care of your skin by using a gentle, oil-free cleanser and using a mineral sunscreen daily: Check out our Day Cream and Cleanser Duo.