If your Musely account shows that your order has not yet shipped, you can follow the instructions below to cancel this refill. On the Musely website or app, go to the My Treatments page,
- Select the relevant treatment
- Click Manage Treatment
- Click Cancel current order
Please allow 3-7 business days for the refund to process back into your account for the canceled order.
Cancellation must be completed prior to your Musely account showing that your order is "Shipped", as we cannot cancel, return, or refund orders once they have been processed.
Canceling Auto-Refill will not cancel the order and canceling an order will not cancel Auto-Refill - these are separate actions. Please be sure to adjust your refill dates or cancel Auto-Refill for each treatment, individually.
Keywords: put on hold, don't want this order, I can't use this, I didn't order this, I already have too much product, I need a refund, don't ship this, just charged me, cancel immediately