There are several places within your Musely account where you can find instructions on how to use your treatments!
Instructions from your designated doctor
After your designated doctor writes your prescription, they will send you messages containing your treatment plan and instructions for how to use your treatment. These messages are located in our Message Center. Simply select “View Doctor Messages”.
“How to Use” Section
Please review the How to Use section in your account for your medication’s application instructions. There, you will also find a list of do's and don'ts that you should follow while using treatment(s).
Q&A with Derms
The Q&A with Derms page is another helpful resource that will provide you with thorough and abundant treatment information from our team of Board-Certified Dermatologists.
eNurse Check-Ups
eNurse is an automated check-up program within the Musely app that is designed to guide you during your first 60 days of treatment. During your Check-Ups, you will be asked a series of questions and eNurse will provide you with 1) What to expect in each phase of the treatment, 2) Tips on managing side effects, 3) Suggestions for maximizing results, and 4) Records of your progress. Where can I find eNurse?
60-Day Consultation Period
If you have any treatment related questions or concerns, you can reach out to your designated doctor anytime during the 60-Day Consultation Period that is included with your Musely treatment order. The instructions to reach out to them are outlined here: How do I message my designated doctor?